Wednesday 17 December 2014

Special Posting Period

Q: How to enter posting in the special posting period lets say "13"

A: We use special posting period to post make adjustment entries. This is how to post in "Special Period" in system : 


1. Go to F-02

2. Enter desired dates in date field.

3. In period field enter " Special Period Number e.g 13"

4. And proceed with normal postings and save the document.


For posting in special period you have to enter special period explicitly, and your Posting Date should fall in Last Actual Period say March or December. In below example date is in March 2014.



Please find below screenshot for your help and reference.



I hope this will help you to understand functionality, and solve your issue as well. Just try F-02 in your system and see what happens - see results in FS10N as well.