System Landscape: Landscape
is like a server system or like a layout of the servers or some may even call
it the architecture of the server’s viz. SAP is divided into three different
SERVER) is where the consultants do the customization as per the company's
SERVER) is where the core team members and other members test the
SERVER) is where the live data of the company is recorded.
- DEV would have multiple clients for ex: 110- Sandbox,
100- Golden and 120- Unit Test.
- QAS may again have multiple clients for ex: 200-
Integration Test, 210 to 230 Training.
- PROD may have something like a 300 Production.
These names and numbers are at the implementers discreet
or at client's business scenario.
A request will flow from Dev->Quall->Prod and not
1. Sandbox server: In the initial stages of any
implementation project, you are given a sandbox server where you do all the
configuration/customization as per the company’s business process.
2. Development Server: - Once the BBP gets signed off,
the configuration is done is development server and saved in workbench
requests, to be transported to Production server.
3. Production Server: This is the last/ most refined
client where the user will work after project GO LIVE. Any changes/ new
development is done is development client and the request is transported to
Sandbox server is like a rough book and it doesn't affect
the other servers or clients.
Golden Client is like a fair- note book in which you have
to do the entire configuration once again. Whenever you think you are satisfied
with your configuration and you think you can use it moving forward. As you
re-do everything that you had thought was important and usable, you get a
transport request pop up upon saving every time. You save it under a transport
request and give your description to it. Thus the configuration is transported
to the Unit Test client (180 in this example).
Golden Client as it is configuration only client, we don’t even don't
run any transaction or even use the SAP Easy Access screen