Hi Team, We are facing a problem when running Tcode: CON2, the error messages was Message no. KI 760 "Revaluation of actual prices not possible in version 0, fiscal year 2014"
IMG Menu Path: - IMG > Controlling > General Controlling > Organization > Maintain Versions
Transaction Code: - OKEQ
Step 1:- Enter T Code OKEQ in the SAP Command field and press enter
Step 2:- In the next General Version Definition screen, select the Version 0 and double click on the Controlling Area Settings
Step 3:- Update the Controlling area
Step 4:- Double click on Settings for each Fiscal year under controlling area settings and update the values
Step 5:- Double Click on Year 2014
Step 6:- Click on price Calculation Tab
Step 7:- You will see the following screen
Step 8:- And change the following fields to show it as
This will resolve above given error.