Thursday, 15 May 2014

Tables Identification

There are two types of Data in SAP


1. Master data (GL accounts, customers, vendors, assets, cost elements, cost centers, profit centers etc.)


2. Transactional Data (Open Items for customers and vendors, GL line items, Cost Center planning, profit center plan data load etc.)


Therefore the tables are also different to store value.


For Master Data, the data is stored in


·       A ->   Chart of Accounts

·        B -> Company Code

·         K -> Denotes Customer in Master Data

·         L-> Denotes Vendor in Master Data

·         S-> Denotes General in Master Data


KNA1 -> Customer Master Data in Chart of Account

KNB1-> Customer Master Data in Company Code


LFA1-> Vendor Master Data in Chart of Account

LFB1-> Vendor Master Data in Company Code


SKA1-> GL Master Data in Chart of Account

SKB1->GL Master Data in Company Code


For Transactional Data, the source structures are


·         BKPF – It stores Document header information

·         BSEG – It stores line item level information


BS -> This is common across all transactional Documents.

 I-> This is used for all open item.

A-> This is used for all cleared Item.


BSID -> Table for open item for Debtor

BSIA -> Table for open item for Assets

BSIS -> Table for open item for General Ledger

BSIK -> Table for open item for Vendor


BSAD -> Table for cleared items for Debtor

BSAS -> Table for cleared items for General Ledger

BSAK -> Table for cleared items for Vendor


To check any table, you should check SE11

Hope it helps

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Error : Create Account as a Cost Element in Controlling Area xxxx

Solution: Every account which falls in the nature of expense and Liability, System will ask for the cost element. You have to also define the category in each cost element and its validity period 

KA01 ---Create, 
KA02 --Change, 
KA03 ---Display 

Using KA01

Hope this helps.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Name Change in FSV

My company has been sold out. I wish to do a name change for the company in Financial Statement Version. Attached is the screen shot.


SPRO-> General Ledger Accounting(New) -> Master Data -> G/L Accounts -> Define Financial Statement Versions.

Pick up the financial statement version which you want to edit and change the name as requested. 

We picked Acid India to be renamed to Tata Chemcials.

Hope it helps

Friday, 9 May 2014

“Maintain the Chart of Accounts in company code VANI”

While using Tcode -> OBY2 to copy GL Accounts, from Company Code SKC1 to VANI, it is throwing an error "Maintain the Chart of Accounts in company code VANI"

Reason for this situation

Chart of Account has not been populated here.


We need to create Chart of Account.


SAP Menu Path: - IMG –> Financial Accounting –> General Ledger Accounting –> G/L Accounts –> Master Data –> Preparations –> Edit Chart of Accounts List.


Transaction Code: - OB13


Step 1:- Enter the Transaction code SPRO in the SAP commend field to get the Implementation Guide

Step 2:- Click on SAP Reference IMG

Step 3:- Navigate the below Path and click on Edit Chart of Accounts List to create new Chart of Accounts

Step 4:- The Existing Chart of Accounts which is already created is displayed below, Click on New entries button to create new Chart of Accounts in SAP

And enter the details for your company chart of accounts

1. Chart of Accounts: - Enter the 4 digit alphanumeric code of the Chart of Accounts

2. Description: - Enter the Description of the Chart of Accounts

3. Maintain Language: - Select the language of the Chart of Accounts

4.  Length of G/L Account Number: - Update the length of Gal Account Number

5. Integration: - We can have controlling Integration Manual creation of cost of elements or Automatic creation of cost of elements. It is advisable to have Manual creation of elements in SAP


Monday, 5 May 2014

Profit center not appearing

Please note that profit centers  are not appearing in customer collection account .  This is causing difficulty in cash-flow report generationPlease see screen shot below.


Profit Center information is not entered in Vendor and Customer in line item.
It is only entered in the expense/income line items from where this information is derived at the AP/AR level.
If you click on , you will be able to see the profit centers.

Hope it helps.